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For a bride-to-be, planning one of life’s most memorable events may be an unforgettable experience and it can also bring so much stress on the process. Managing wedding planning stress is important. We all know how stressful life can be for our bodies! Breakouts, weight gain, mood fluctuations, and abnormal sleeping habits all contribute to a bride’s frustration. Make every effort to appreciate this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Weddings are always a joyous event.

Take all of these stress relievers as possible! Here are our Top Ten Stress-Relieving Tips to assist you to get through those tough times as you get closer to your dream wedding day!

1 | Prioritize 

To keep things in perspective, prioritize the essentials, those things that are truly essential to make this your dream wedding, then refer to your “must” list throughout the planning process.  Checking in with your initial goals regularly will keep you on track and budget. You can alleviate a lot of stress later on by putting a lot of those essential components in place right at the outset of the planning process. 

2 | Create a detailed budget

Create a detailed budget, from flowers to your stunning bridal gown. Make a list of the gratuities you intend to offer each vendor and store the tip money in separate envelopes labeled with their names that you’ll need to keep safe. You could assign a family to distribute tips, depending on your choice, so you don’t have to worry about it at the end of the night. You don’t want to be stressed out on your wedding day trying to find your checkbook. 

3 | Put together a to-do list

With layers of contracts, checklists, fabric swatches, and bridal magazines strewn about, your home may begin to resemble a wedding warzone rather than a pleasant home. The state of your home can have a significant impact on your mood, so keep it as tidy as possible to avoid a meltdown and might misplacing essential documents! You can consider and look for a budgeting tool, a to-do list tool, a table planner tool, and other tools to help you keep everything in one place and out of your way. Breaking down your wedding to-do list into monthly pieces can help to make everything appear more achievable, reducing stress and reintroducing pleasure into your wedding planning process. A checklist can be simplified to fit however much time you have to plan your wedding, but for far shorter timeframes.

4 | Consider hiring a wedding planner

If you can, keep your wedding preparations to a minimum level. It’s usually a good idea to choose a reputable wedding coordinator. If you’re having trouble juggling all of your vendors, arrangements, and appointments, you might want to hire a wedding planner. They must keep everything running smoothly, so they will undoubtedly ease most of the stress associated with wedding planning. Don’t worry if you didn’t sign up straight away because you may still do it later in the planning phase. If you hire a wedding planner, they’ll almost probably have a list of trusted vendors, making finding reliable and trustworthy vendors easy. If you’re going it alone, you’ll want to do your homework and read some reviews.

5 | Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others

Allow friends, family, and our friendly and professional wedding planner to assist you as you see fit with the wedding plans. Don’t feel obligated to do everything alone; even the most zealous control freaks require assistance from time to time. Give your friends and family members a couple of the more laborious duties, such as envelope filling or wedding favor wrapping, if you don’t want to let go of the keys on larger projects. This will help you free up time in your schedule to focus on the vital things. When you have individuals to help you coordinate, you’ll have more time to savor these times. 

6 | Avoid comparing your wedding to others 

Don’t stress on perfection to the point where you’re miserable as a result. Take time to think about the people who matter to you and your relationship, but never compare yourself to a friend’s wedding. Remember that every bride is different, and the same goes for the wedding. Weddings are intended to demonstrate your love for your partner, not to demonstrate to others how lavishly you can spend this important occasion. Because, let’s face it, love is all you really need at the end of the day.

7 | Don’t sweat the small stuff

Take a time to discover the humor in less-than-funny situations. When planning your event, keep the broad picture in mind. You’re toasting your fiance’s and your love for one other. Don’t get too worked up about small details! If you’ve hired the right vendors, they’ll handle everything for you!

8 | Set a time for both planning and planning away from it

It’s necessary to take a break from time to time. Consider creating a specific time or day of the week for wedding preparation, such as no wedding planning on Mondays! And when it’s forbidden to talk about the wedding. If that sounds too excessive, simply take short breaks as needed. This way, you won’t be distracted by preparation and will be able to return to the subject rejuvenated. Get away with your soon-to-be-spouse to a secret place.

9 | Take care of yourself 

Eat nutritious, well-balanced meals and don’t skimp; you’ll need every ounce of energy you can manage. Get away from the stress of preparations by going for a run, taking a yoga class, reading a book, or engaging in another relaxing activity. Meditation is an excellent approach to calm your mind, body, and spirit. A ten-minute meditation session can bring a fantastic sensation of calm and relaxation. Allow yourself the time you require to calm your thoughts and alleviate anxiousness. Stress management is usually a wonderful thing, and with a little exercise, you can improve your concentration while also saying goodbye to anxiety. In times of stress, 45 minutes at the gym is good enough. 

10 | Remembering the big picture

Put things in perspective for yourself and look at the larger picture when you’re feeling stressed. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself why you’re doing so much effort. Remember that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which venue you choose or which outfit you say yes to; all that counts is that you’ll be saying your “I dos.”


Preparing for a wedding is similar to training for a race in that it may be psychologically, physically, and emotionally exhausting. But remember, it’s supposed to be enjoyable, not stressful. If you start to lose your cool throughout the wedding planning process, there are a few things you can do to relieve stress and avoid a total meltdown. These are things that will make your life easier during the wedding planning process, from taking regular breaks to hiring a professional.

Positive Affirmations

Everything will work out, and your wedding day will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You’ve got the dress, the flowers, the details will be handled, and everyone who matters to you will be present. You’re stunning, and you’re in love with the man of your dreams. You’re about to tie the knot!
Continue to follow me on Instagram and make a list of all the wedding tips you’ll need for your big day!

Wedding Insights: 10 Ways to Plan a Stress-Free Wedding

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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