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Engaged couples always feel that the purest kind of love they can give to their partner is unconditional love. But, how do you express that you love someone unconditionally? Of course, one can show this kind of love by writing heartfelt wedding vows. We understand, however, that expressing these feelings can be challenging. Some people need more time and inspiration to write down their emotions and then recite them in front of their loved ones.

Regardless of how you feel about your wedding vows, we can all agree that they are the most significant element of your wedding day. The pledges and commitments you make to one another become the foundations for the life you choose to build together in the end. In today’s blog, we will give you tips on how to write your wedding vows. Continue to follow us and check out other tips about weddings and couples guides on our Instagram account.  

  1. Start Writing as Early as Possible

Begin drafting wedding vows as early as possible, experts advise at least three weeks before your wedding day. This way, you will have enough time to collect inspiration, edit, personalize, polish and practice your vow. However, getting that inspiration, finalization, and practice is not easy, especially if you are busy with wedding planning

  1. Find Your Inspiration

Bring a small notebook to write down inspiration that you will have while doing your everyday routine. You might also want to gather traditional vows that reflect your emotions, feelings, and commitments, write down meaningful keywords to you and your relationship and then try to construct your vow. There are also some wedding vow templates on the internet, which you can also try if you have a hard time writing one. You can even get ideas and inspiration from your favorite poets, novelists, or love films, as long as you don’t let their words overshadow your own.

  1. Embrace Sentimentality

Write your vow in a way on how you want to make your partner feel your love. Make it personal, and it’s okay to be sentimental. It’s your declaration of love, after all; no one would have to make it on your way. But, for sure, your spouse would love to hear and be curious to learn about the aspects of your connection that make it genuine.  Your vow is a beautiful time to share a story to highlight your love. Your guests will remember your love story and your intimate glimpse into your love for one another. It’s fine to be corny or cheesy on this day, so make your vows sincere and unapologetically you.

  1. Declare Your Love, Intentions, and Promises 

You can go into more detail & personalize your vows to “love, honor, and cherish” your partner. Wedding vows do not need to be solemn. You can make them funny but just make sure you don’t say anything to make your partner feel embarrassed. Maintain a light but meaningful tone.

Include how you will look after your partner, how you will see them in good and challenging times, will comfort and protect them, and love them unconditionally no matter what life throws at you. Don’t make promises that you won’t keep. Finally, state your unconditional love for your partner.

  1. Limit Your Vows to One to Two Minutes at the Most

Your vows are meaningful, but they don’t have to be so long. You shouldn’t have to say something meaningful over and over again, so pick the most important points and highlight them. Make some changes if yours takes more than two minutes. Save any guest-related matters for your toasts. Another great idea, write some of your more private thoughts and feelings in a letter and then present them to your partner the morning of your wedding.

  1. Practice Reading Them Out Loud

Reading your vows aloud is beneficial not just for polishing your delivery and increasing your confidence, but it also serves as a useful editing tool. What sounds good in your thoughts may sound clumsy when spoken aloud, and you’ll be able to find other places to edit and adapt. Record yourself reading them for extra points. We understand, but being able to hear and see yourself read your vows is a terrific way to fine-tune your performance. You may also ask someone like your best buddy for help, recite your vow in front of them. They may give you constructive criticism and help you enhance your vows to get that idea across.

  1. Print Out a Few Copies

Print a few copies of the vows. It is better to have at least a few copies just in case you forget some parts of your vows. For example, some ceremony allows to use a mobile phone as they recite their vow, but to have a formal copy is much better. A simple printed piece of paper, a lovely notecard or vow book that complements your wedding colors or stationery, or a handwritten message are all ideal.  Whatever you choose, be sure it complements your setting. Another great idea, after the wedding, makes an art print of your vows to display in your home as a meaningful keepsake.

  1. Be in a Quiet Place

While it is advisable writing your vows days before your wedding, as your photographer, we love it when we capture our bride and groom writing vows or practicing before getting ready for their wedding. Getting ready is possibly the perfect time because your heart and mind are focused entirely on your wedding day, with no outside influences. As a result, choose a peaceful and comfortable area to write down or recite your vow.

  1. Keep Your Vow to Each Other a Secret

Consider your wedding vows as a wedding gift to one another. Until the ceremony, keep the vows a secret from your partner. If you’re hearing them for the first time, it will add to the ceremony’s significance and emotion.

  1. Enjoy the Moment

Your wedding day is the most important & unforgettable day of your life. Even though wedding prep can be stressful, there are always ways to make it more fun. While you’re planning your wedding, enjoy and savor every moment. Make it a point to smile when writing your vows and remember those times you.

Wedding Tips: Wedding Vows and How to Write Them

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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